Roger picked this tea service up at a yard sale last summer and i have had it stored in a box until last night. It is marked with a crown and has traders mark at the top of the crown ,on the sides of the crown are 18 83 F.B. Rogers Silver Co. It was so tarnished I thought it would take forever to polish but with a new product called Tarn-X I had the whole set with tray done in less than an hour . I really like it and you won't believe what he gave for the whole set..$5.00. You can see I have trained him well to look for bargans. This is labor Day week-end for us and we have about worked ourselves into total exhaustion doing yard and house work. Wonder if that is what Labor Day is for..lol The kids just called and are on their way over so I guess I am ready for them. The house looks so good and will be such a mess when they leave but I love them so much it doesn't even matter. Til next time every one have a good night and a better tomorrow.
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