Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bird House Poles

These are the poles Roger made to put my feeder on. The first one was made out of a double tree from an old wagon welded to a metal pole. The double tree came with the two hooks. The second is a telescopic pole. He put a small metal pole into a larger one, drilled a hole where it was almost at the end of the little one and put a lever screw in it. All you have to do is turn the screw and it comes down so I can get off the pole and refill it. He has such an inventive mind. Unfortunatly I have no idea about anything new. Don't even tell me what it is going to be because I have to see it before it registers in my poor feeble mind. He feels pretty good today . Maybe it is Gina's White Light. Whatever it is I am thankful for the prayers and everything you guys do to make him better. We got married when I was 17, I'm 54 now so he is my whole life and I couldn't imagine what it would be like without him. I went to two auctions this weekend so will probally put more up today. Later.............


Linda S. said...

Tell Roger these look really great.

Debbie Kathy Lela and Marilyn said...

Millie said I should put a solar lamp on each hook. That would be pretty cool huh? Call me I miss you