Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sgt. Clint Williams

This has been my weekend.
Roger got up at 5:30 Sat. a.m. because he had not slept all night. This story began Sept. 17 when Sgt. Clint Williams was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He had two bronze Stars and a purple heart. He has been recommended for the Medal of Honor for saving some of his men in an attack two months ago. He was badly wounded then but asked to be sent back. Clint was from Rogers hometown Kingston Oklahoma. We got word Friday morning that he had arrived and the funeral would be Sat. Morn. We were also told that a group of protesters from Kansas would be there to insult this young mans family and friends. There are a group of Vets that started an organization called the Patriot Guard Riders in November of 05 because this group was showing up at these funerals of our troops that had died in Iraq. This first picture was taken at the school where the service was held. That's Roger in the blue shirt holding the flag. Thay set up a boundry around the family so these people couldn't get close to them. after all the family and friends were in the school we all left for the cemetary. There were four miles of bikes and cars and pickups on each side of the road. Everyone had a flag and all the vets were at attention with there flags at rest. about ten minutes before the family got there no one said a word, no cell phones on, not even the children were noisey. When the family arrived the Vets once again followed them into the cemetary and set up a boundry around them. The protesters had bullhorns and shouted things like "A good soldier is a dead soldier" and " God loves IED's" and "You are not burying a hero, you are burying a ass". I have never been so mad in all my life. This is one family from Topeka Kansas from they call it the Westboro Baptist church. The founder is named Fred Phelps and this is his wife and children , their husbands and wives and their children. They are a bunch of sick Bastards and starting tommorrow I am going to find out how to stop them. I have spent all day writing up petions for people to sign to make it a law these people cannot desacrate our dead.Check out these people and also check out the Patriot Riders. Roger joined yesterday. Sorry but teapots haven't been on my mind for a day or two.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pottery Teapot

I think I bought this little beauty at a flea market in Texas . I thought the flowers and colors were great. I wish I knew who made it or it's origin. If anyone has an idea please pass it on. We are tearing down an old storage building that has been an eye-sore for far too long. I have discovered muscles in my thighs and calfs that I never knew I had. I must try squatting more often (lol). Roger has had 2 good days out of 6 this week. It is driving me crazy. I talked to his heart coordinator today and she said he should be in the hospital but NO he has to get that building down. Hell it's been out there all 4 years we have lived here so why now. Like I said he drives me crazy.But God knows I love him dearly.Until next time never put off telling that special someone how much you love them.......

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stained Glass Teapot Lamp

Just as I was leaving the auction last night my daughter-in-law said "Look at that pretty teapot they're selling". Well they had a dollar bid and I bid two and got it. I didn't know it was a lamp until I had it in my hand. You really can't tell much from my pictures but the blue is really outstanding when the lights are off. I bought three teapots this week-end but this by far the winner.It has rained all day here and I am so thankful. I can't wait to see how it has effected my new trees. I have one Bradford Pear that I am really worried about. Hopefully it will leaf out after this rain. My Grand-daughter spent the night and swam all day in the rain. She wanted me to come out and swim with her but it just looked too cold to me. They are really going to miss the pool this winter, but there is always late spring. You know Roger never looks at tommorrow. When he was in Vietnam he learned to take one day at a time because tommorrow you might die. You would think after 38 years he would have gotten past that but it is always with him. That is part of the PTSD. I would love to wave a wand and make it all go away for him..Until next time........

Bird House Poles

These are the poles Roger made to put my feeder on. The first one was made out of a double tree from an old wagon welded to a metal pole. The double tree came with the two hooks. The second is a telescopic pole. He put a small metal pole into a larger one, drilled a hole where it was almost at the end of the little one and put a lever screw in it. All you have to do is turn the screw and it comes down so I can get off the pole and refill it. He has such an inventive mind. Unfortunatly I have no idea about anything new. Don't even tell me what it is going to be because I have to see it before it registers in my poor feeble mind. He feels pretty good today . Maybe it is Gina's White Light. Whatever it is I am thankful for the prayers and everything you guys do to make him better. We got married when I was 17, I'm 54 now so he is my whole life and I couldn't imagine what it would be like without him. I went to two auctions this weekend so will probally put more up today. Later.............

Friday, September 15, 2006

Yard Sale Find

I found these at a yard sale this morning for 25 cents. They are all signed Donald Zolan and each is numbered. The little girl bending over is looking at a catapiller. I thought they were wonderful. I am going to get little plate holders to put them in. From the research I did this morning this artist is known for his paintings of children. Anyway I'm happy with them. I also found some Avon eggs with birds painted on them. They are so pretty. I figure Linda will probally end up with them so I'll let her put them on her blog. Hubby is almost finished with the bird feeders and they are going to look great ! He had a really bad night last night. I couldn't get his blood pressure up until about 11:30 p.m. It just stayed at about 51 on the bottom and heart rate was 50 and 51. This scares me to death. I always make a pot of coffee and walk him around but nothing seemed to work for a long time. He got up this morning and his blood sugar was 258 so I gave him an insulin shot and he's resting now. Keep him in your prayers please. May the wind always be at your back and an angel resting on your shoulder...........

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tulip Teapot

This is one of my favorites. I bought this from a lady that used to have an antique shop in Oklahoma City. I think she told me it belonged to her sisters Mother. Our friend Linda from Mish Mash is supposed to have a heart cath done any day now so please keep her in you prayers. I don't know how to explain our friendship. From the frist time we met there was a bond there. We have so much in common as far as family is concerned. It's like we both are the same (lol).I have been thrifting lately and have not bought a thing for me. I have bought thread for Linda and and a Hall cassarole and swim suits for my Grand-daughter. The weather is great here for a change it actually got chilly last night. Me and my (OLD) hormones can live with that I promise. Roger has built me a new bird feeder pole. I will take pictures when it is completed. He is so inventive. The one he built last year has a telescopic pole that you can lower to get the feeder down. That is a good thing if you are as short as I am. What he is doing is, building me memories. Till next time may you angel be on your shoulder.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

F.B. Rogers Silver Company

Roger picked this tea service up at a yard sale last summer and i have had it stored in a box until last night. It is marked with a crown and has traders mark at the top of the crown ,on the sides of the crown are 18 83 F.B. Rogers Silver Co. It was so tarnished I thought it would take forever to polish but with a new product called Tarn-X I had the whole set with tray done in less than an hour . I really like it and you won't believe what he gave for the whole set..$5.00. You can see I have trained him well to look for bargans. This is labor Day week-end for us and we have about worked ourselves into total exhaustion doing yard and house work. Wonder if that is what Labor Day is The kids just called and are on their way over so I guess I am ready for them. The house looks so good and will be such a mess when they leave but I love them so much it doesn't even matter. Til next time every one have a good night and a better tomorrow.